Tri Diva Reunion Event? Hell, yeah!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Freaking out

Are the rest of you gals as nervous as I am??? I'm seriously on the verge of a nervous breakdown. ONE FREAKING WEEK. ARGH!!!!!!!

I could kill you CoCo ;>


Courtney said...

Umm...yeah. Full-blown freakout session. I've actually been having them on a regular basis!

I *know* we'll get through this and feel SO great when it's all over. You'll actually thank me for having this crazy idea...or you might beat my ass repeatedly. LOL

Just promise you'll drop me and my bum foot (which I'm sure will be in a ziplock bag once this is all over) at the front door of ORD, so I can get back home to my doggies. haha

Jenn said...

*LOL* you crack me up girl.

Alana said...

We're going to be fine! Court and I have decided that we need deep dish and Cold Stone after the tri. I think that makes a great recovery meal. :-) Can't wait to see you!

Jenn said...

MMMMMMMMMM I'm so there :) :) :) Well, you gals will have to take me home, so Gino's is RIGHT THERE. How CONVENIENT!!!!

A lot of the Cold Stones have closed around here though :( Luckily, we have this WONDERFUL place called Capannari's that is even better!