Tri Diva Reunion Event? Hell, yeah!

Sunday, March 8, 2009


So, I'm totally stoked about my baby bro John roadtripping down to the Austin Tri :) He's already told me that he will be cheerleader, photographer, videographer, and water boy *LOL* It's gonna be so fun. He's even offered to do most of the driving, which will especially come in handy on Sunday after the adrenaline rush wears off!

I booked a La Quinta near Tulsa, OK for Thursday and Sunday Nights, and we'll be with the girls at the Hyatt Arboretum Friday and Saturday Nights :)


Umm.... now to get to the training.... *blush*


Courtney said...

I'm glad he's coming with you! What an adventure. :)

Jenn said...

You've met John, right? The tall skinny kid that looks like he couldn't possibly be my relation? :)